
Primary System Updates

The Burning Horde

Khyrax the Devourer and his Burning Horde have been tasked by the Great Deceiver to corrupt and fracture the Khonsic Sector; to unlock the leylines stretched across such bountiful worlds to easily invade. The Burning Horde – 1000 pts

Ruinous Powers Repel Renegade Regiment!

70 112.M42 – Moon of Mornnan [0405] Fresh from the victory of Nickelbaum, the Dark Orator Darad intercepted Imperial transmissions of further inbound reinforcements to the sector. There was no reason that a clash of True Followers and the Khornate fanatics would have drawn them into the sector, he reasoned, so he would bring his…


Latest information from the Imperium Databases is as follows: Kinorian located in grid 0308 is a small desert planet with no atmosphere. Most of the planets population is formed into Nomadic tribes that wander the endless sand dunes of the planet. It’s initial colonization is somewhat unknown, it was likely first inhabited by refugees and…

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The Khonsic Sector of the Segmentum Obscuris
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