
Latest information from the Imperium Databases is as follows:

Sub-Terra size rating: Gravity 0.15x
                       Ocean coverage 5% and falling, complete lose of 
                       water estimated in 4,00 years.
Atmosphere: None, Vacc Suit and Air Supply required.
Population: Due to political instability no census data recorded, 
            estimated population of 3,000.
Governance: No formal government structure.  Several Family clans fight 
            over control of the one spaceport that exists.  Hostile to 
            Imperium Rule.  Most habitants are refugees and outlaws in 
Industry and Technology:  Functional Robot Tech Exists, Rumors of unsanctioned Genetic Engineering exist likely in very limited forms, mostly due to lack of resources within the planet.  Technical knowledge on a slow decline from continuing clan conflict and lack of resource diversity on the planet.  Industry is minimal, few small mining operations exist.

Kinorian located in grid 0308 is a small desert planet with no atmosphere. Most of the planets population is formed into Nomadic tribes that wander the endless sand dunes of the planet. It’s initial colonization is somewhat unknown, it was likely first inhabited by refugees and outlaws hiding from the rule of the Imperium. It has one well equipped supply and refueling port including science labs facilities on the near side of the planet.

896.111.M42 – Expeditionary Force from JXM-A18Z Land on Kinorian
The 2nd Cohort from JXM-A18Z Skitarii Legion forms their Expeditionary Force lands on Kinorian. The expeditionary force is led by the Tech-Priest Delpha Osmium under the guidance of an Agent of the Offico Assassinorium. Initial Skitarii Forces include a Fire Squad Maniple reinforced with an additional Skitarii Vanguard Squad. Contact with resident population is being avoided at all costs.

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