Ruinous Powers Repel Renegade Regiment!

70 112.M42 – Moon of Mornnan [0405] Fresh from the victory of Nickelbaum, the Dark Orator Darad intercepted Imperial transmissions of further inbound reinforcements to the sector. There was no reason that a clash of True Followers and the Khornate fanatics would have drawn them into the sector, he reasoned, so he would bring hisContinue reading “Ruinous Powers Repel Renegade Regiment!”

Imperial Dates And Events

Who would have thought WH 40k could be so educational? In writing any backstory, I wanted to fit the campaign into WH40k canon events and so became conversant with the Imperial Dating System at Lexicanum and many variations of contemporary dating systems. It was kind of interesting not being able to find an online coverter to easily translate aContinue reading “Imperial Dates And Events”

The Khonsic System: World Building

Using Traveler’s incredibly robust subsector generator, we were able to create the Khonsic System and stake our claims. Click the image for a larger view. Traveler has an incredible set of tools to build deep lore from a series of numbers and, with our goal being to create a living system for our battles toContinue reading “The Khonsic System: World Building”

How the Campaign Works

The Khonsic Crusade is a “narrative campaign” loosely based on Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 universe using One Page Rules and the campaign system in Grimdark Future. This blog is the medium by which participants can follow—and, in some cases, shape–the course of events within the campaign. What is a narrative campaign? It is, in essence, an ongoingContinue reading “How the Campaign Works”

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